External Training Modules
The Florida State University: Understanding Domestic Violence as a Social Service Professional
The Florida Statue University's Institute for Family Violence Studies is aimed at educating professionals and the general public about the issues surrounding domestic violence. The course is a massive open online course and is a valuable tool for learning.
The Strangulation Training Institute: Online Training Course
The Strangulation Training Institute has developed an online resource to assist in domestic violence stakeholders to learn about the dangers associated with domestic violence strangulation. While the course was originally developed for police, it has proven to be a valuable learning tool for domestic violence stakeholders of all varieties.
Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: Training Module
The intimate partner sexual abuse module is an inter-disciplinary course, combining concepts from the law, medicine, and social science to create a very informative training for judges and court staff on many critical issues in the area of intimate partner violence.
The Stalking Resource Center: Online Training Course
The Use of Technology to Stalk Online Course is a resource produced by the Stalking Resource Center of the National Center for Victims of Crime with funding from the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. The purpose of this self-paced, interactive online training is to increase the ability of criminal justice professionals and victim service providers to recognize how stalkers use technology and, ultimately, enhance their ability to work with victims of stalking.
The American Judges Association: Online Education Program
The AJA, with the assistance of Futures Without Violence and the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has developed a free, online web tool designed to enhance judicial education on domestic violence.